Water From Your Eyes

Out There

Water From Your Eyes

Everyone's Crushed

No she's not coming
Six going on seven days
They reset, I'm upset, I settle down
She's drowning in people
Always on the way back
Where I am, yeah I have a plan to flee
She plays the piano
She stole it from the mall
All of my best friends lost out here on the sprawl

Track give dove slack drag draft mud scram
Hand knee feed bend three meant free track

She's on her own time
Writing the forecasts
The last six days give or take, I give up
She plays the piano
ShĐ” stole it from the mall
All of my next friДnds found out here on the sprawl

Track free mend three bend feed knee hands
Scram mud draft drag slack dive give track
Lack luck stuck sting pull but high shoot
Might move groove grip trip tight talk track
Track free mend three bend feed knee hands
Scram mud draft drag slack dive give track
Lack luck stuck sting pull but high shoot
Might move groove grip trip tight talk track

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