"Et si nom minus nobis iucundi atque
Inlustres sunt ei dies quibus
Conservamur quam illi quibus nascimur
Quod salutis certa laetitia est, nascendi
Incerta condicio et quod sine sensu
Nascimur, cum voluptate servamur... "
[- Marcus tullius cicero, in catilinam ii. 2]
Ha? thaoeyohthoxapaoeotin
Weaving the wasted waters of the world
I hear the music
Nothing could be more than walking hand
In hand
Lamenting the later lords
The gull tears my heart
But let it be said of me: "... "
And "thus he spoke to me! "
O sinners, let us go down
Let us go down, come down
Down, in the river to pray
O sinners, let us drown
Let us drown, come down
Where in the river we'll stay
I despise the land that you so cherish
And I abhor the earth beneath my feet