Black shadows come from the sea, They are concentrating on estuaries, All of them stand waiting The calling of flood after the rain. Climb the human dam, Spawn on cracks where it is weak. Leave your genetic Story of water sovereignty. Destroy every reservoir, Began a battle again the species That human hand introduced To be satiated his animal instint. Call to the sun on summer, Nobody alive on the runs, Just native species shelter In pools where only they can survive. When reach the top of highest riffle Conquer the cobbles and the space between them The heat of spring will fix the sperm to the eggs Making explote them in a lethal cloud. Whit them arround the battlefield is our, Whit them arround the victory is our. For hundred years you have been soping our pass, For so much time you have been avoiding our spawn, We were close to the extintion, or at least you though, But something you could never know is that one day we Could take our revenge. In the dark where you can be fooled We will stand on the booton of rivers Waiting for the fall of your dams Flooding everything you have created.