Adrianne Lenker


Adrianne Lenker

Bright Future

I feel like a fool, yeah
Walking downhill with the dogs
You keep it cool
Watching my fire ignite
Heart out of sight
Body and mind fistfight
Heart out of sight
Body like a bat in flight
Oh, they say when it's right, it's right

We could be friends
You could love me through and through
If I were him
Would you be my family too?
Daddy's advice (Advice-vice)
Hell in paradise
Momma's advice (Advice-vice)
Cookin' up beans and rice
Oh, just say what it is that you want


Tommy had twins
Kenna and Lu-y tied the knot
Zoë and B
Built their house on the spot
We could watch a show (Show)
We could watch a garden grow
We could grow old (Old)
You could come in from the cold
Oh, just say what it is that you want

(Huh-huh, ah-ahh)

Jamie's in L. A
Ali found a five acre farm
Max is gonna play
Jon got a clown on his arm
Lucky's gonna flip (Flip, flip)
Jer's gonna go for a dip (Dip, dip)
Birds gotta fly (Fly and fly)
I'll love you till I die
Oh, what more can I possibly say?

So if you wanna go, I say, "Baby, okay, okay"
(Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay
Okay, okay, okay, okay, hmm)

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