Adrianne Lenker

No Machine

Adrianne Lenker

Bright Future

Let no machine eat away our dream
Baby, take my hand, let's go together
No surprise the wound lives in your eyes
A needle shining like a diamond in the desert

Don't know what I'd do
Don't know what I'd do without you
Don't know where I'd go
Don't know where I'd go without you

Talk to me, tell me everything you see
The Sun that's shining lighter than a feather
And everyday the Moon just sails away
The Moon and Sun are the keepers of the weather

Don't know what I'd do
Don't know what I'd do without you
Don't know where I'd go
Don't know where I'd go without you

Dragonfly, clouds are rolling by
The wind across my back, I feel the shiver
Drive around, live from town to town
To the ocean of your love, I am a river

I don't know what I'd do
Don't know what I'd do without you
Don't know where I'd go
Don't know where I'd go without you

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