Alex Warren
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Before You Leave Me

Alex Warren

I'm scared that every minute that you never come back


I'm not ready to let you go
So, just give me one more night
Hold me like you're still mine
Oh, love me for right now before you leave me
I know it's gonna hurt watching your footsteps turn
So love me for right now before you leave me

Ooh-oh, you got one foot out the door
Ooh-oh, 'cause you don't need me anymore
Ooh-oh, you got one foot out the door
Ooh-oh, 'cause you don't need me anymore
You don't need me anymore
You don't need me anymore

Just give me one more night
Hold me like you're still mine
Oh, love me for right now before you leave me
I know it's gonna hurt watching your footsteps turn
So love me for right now before you leave me

Oh love me for right now before you leave me

Ohh- oh, love me for right now

Compositores: Adam Yaron, Alex Warren, Charlie Oriain, Rollo

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