As they made their journey in 1000 BC Headed for Britain, they were subdued By the Entity...
They erected Stonehenge for human sacrifice War was in their blood, the air was cold as ice Babies fed flesh to be warriors of the night They fought to the death The only way to fight
Fought in the town square Hung their victim's heads For all to see as appraisal to the gods October 31st, spirits of the dead The people left severed heads Their practices were sound
It was the Entity...
"The king, he has died," the town cried "Slice him open to see who follows," cried the priest
In 55 BC the Romans came from Rome The Celts rode into battle to protect their bloody throne Tied them to horses and nailed them to their homes The Romans were destroyed in battle and driven to their boats The Celts cheered in victory and drank from the skulls The Entity has powered over the violent Celts In conquest the entity and violence moved on Carrying its plunge unto the next unknowing pawn