


I'm talking to angel, you've got
Something in your pocket
A small knife, and some lint
Swam out far enough to watch you grow
There is always a reason, you're
Gonna find it, you're gonna feel something
And I don't have to be
Your love

This time, you're moving through it, you've found a way out
And you're gonna keep it close
This time you're clean, between and you'll be
Sparkling even through the chaos
Float into the room, mean it, I mean it
I think you're onto something

A chariot, a cherry, sweet, round, and heavy
Nailed in whole wood, rounded belly
Water, water, dripping, swollen, love it always
Light it, light it, love it always
A chariot, a cherry, sweet, round, and heavy
Nailed in whole wood, whole wood, rounded belly
Water, water, dripping, swollen, love it always
Light it, light it, water always

Compositores: Maya Bon, Ryan Albert

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