In the day of the white horse Many will fly up to the sky Heaven awaits those who live for the King This is what I sing
Oh, the joy will rise when we see The rider of the white horse We will rock - for the King We will rock We will rock - for the King
Get yourselves ready to take to the air Soon we'll be there - those who live for the King We're rockin' steady We'll never let go of the truth we know And He gives you new life
Oh, the joy will rise when we see The rider of the white horse We will rock - for the King We will rock We will rock - to the gates We will stand - stand up For the King
Drink the water of life And you will never thirst - no Taste the laughter of joy As it builds inside you
Oh, the joy will rise when we see The white horse and... We will rock For the King We will rock Time is running out We will rock Shout it to the face of the crowd We will rock Let the people know - make it loud We will rock The kingdom is at hand We will rock It's time to make a stand