Beth Gibbons


Beth Gibbons

Lives Outgrown

I fake an
I wouldn't notice the pain that proceed
'Cause my heart is tired of mourn
Without any question, I tried to forget
Tried to ignore that I might never win
'Cause my heart was tired of mourn

But I will dive in the ocean
In the floor, I'll gather my pride
I will see to undress the answer
On my knees, I'll look at the mourn

'Cause every time's taken, I'll never say
Bold ovulation, but no, baby, me
And my heart was tired of mourn
The yellow teeth fails me, takes me so close
I rеach out over, can't take anymore
'Causе my heart (My heart) was tired of mourn

But I'll dive into the ocean
On the floor, I'll gather my pride
And I'll feel the length of your potion
Underneath, not afraid anymore
I can hide from it, not the answer
I'm lost in time, just like Heaven's inside

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