You thought you could get away With all the friends you've betrayed Now you must live with the mess The mess that you have made
You're all alone on your own, its all your fault You led a life day to day and none of us knew You're fuckin scum and you know you wont get forgiven You had your chance and now you've burnt your last bridge
You have lost respect from your own friends And there's no coming back There comes a point where you have to give up and ask for help But you continued with your life as if we weren't around Words cant show our hate
I cant think of anyone with a heart so fucking cold I hope the guilt still crushes you when you're fuckin gray and old You had your last fuckin chance but its time you found a ditch And lay down and die
You had your chance to make things right This is for you You've burnt your last bridge Beg for death Your life is fucking worthless You will never find your way into our world Life is only better if we never see your face again