Virus Hate no diffrence all slaves to their own idiocy all you children of society trust in satan trust in god I don`t care my seed dwells everywhere so look into the mirror you will see my face I am the disgrace of this fucking race
Death and destruction, terror and pain. I will crush earth under my reign
You can`t deny me it`s running through your vain I am a part of you I was born when you were and we will live together I am a part of you Forever, forever, forever...
Call me the beast, warship me as the antichrist I name myself just mankind
I force to obey and you are eager to serve I am the master and you are the slave so get in the end what you deserve Deep inside your conscious blind this is exactly what you like
So it shall be I fuck you and you fuck me and I fuck you and you fuck me and I fuck you and you fuck me...
Come on dance with the devil
Death is the name of your fucking god deconstruction yes this is your lord knowing the truth still trust in the lie you are the fucking reason why.