Another night at the drive-in, such a great time Watched 3 cheesy flicks for only a dime! All was interrupted, with a loud crash out of the screen This wasn’t a movie, it definitely wasn’t a dream! The fiery explosion brought chaos to us all, We should have all went to the multiplex at the mall Had people yelling “what the fuck?” and “yikes!” The driver seemed content and cut them down with glee, It had feathers and a beak, and now wants to kill me!
“Is that a guy in a turkey costume?” No, you idiot – now you will meet your doom!
Chorus: Gobble Gobble- it’s that time again! Herschell the Turkey Monster – he’ll make you his bitch-hen! Killing and dismembering, setting the Gore score to ten! Gobble Gobble – oh no, not again!
Something is cooking, and no it’s not him Crazed gobledy gooker, drinking from your limb He’ll rip your head off, and no he’s not bluffing Prepare to meet death, with all the trimmings and stuffing
He’s hungry for blood, can’t you fucking see? The chicks all say “he sure is ugly!” Thanksgiving Day massacre every year Butchermobile escape, shifted into high gear