Bon Iver
Página inicial > Indie > B > Bon Iver > THINGS BEHIND THINGS BEHIND THINGS


Bon Iver


I would like the feeling
I would like the feeling
I would like the feeling gone
'Cause I don't like the way it's—
I don't like the way it's—
I don't like the way it's looking
I get caught looking
In the mirror on the regular
What I see there resembles some competitor
I see things behind things behind things
And there are rings within rings within rings

I can't go through the motions
I can't go through the motions
How'm I supposed to do this now?
Say we went out strolling
Say we went out strolling
Say I went and told them how
I am afraid of changing
And when it comes a time to check and rearrange shit
There are things behind things behind things
And there are rings within rings within rings

I got caught compiling
I got caught compiling
I got caught compiling my own news
I never lose
And who's the benefactor?
And how to move without touching every interactor
When there are things behind things behind things
(A little further)
And there are rings within rings within rings

Compositores: Justin Vernon, Phil Cook & Trever Hagen

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