The chief of a tribe had a daughter so pretty who´d be sacrificed to a God But a warrior fell in love for the pretty indian and run away with her
CHORUS The God`s revenge was very brutal He turned her into a rock in the river And the warrior in a tree on the edge of the abyss Where he contemplates his love In the bottom of the abyss it has a cave Where this God guards the passionate lovers
When this God discovered about their escape He twisted His body and became a huge snake Diving wildly in the peaceful waters opening a hollow
At the top of that pit He contemplates his love and he can never touch her face again The pretty indian is always bathed in a veil of clear and fresh waters to alleviate her pain
Every spring he throws flowers in the waters of the river, RIVER, RIVER As a proof of his love
He opened a hollow in the river Creating the big waterfalls Where the escaper fell from a huge height disappearing eternally