Hooh, one more time I`m back with a new rhyme Hey, here we go again. Ha, turn it up my friend No, we don`t stop. Ha, we rock the spot No, we don`t quit. Get ready ya`ll this is it Do you like this dream. Hey, I like this dream, baby Do you like this dream. Hoo, I like this dream, mama Do you like this stream. Hey, I like the stream, baby Do you like this stream. Hoo, so scream it out
Dream a dream, lover take me in your dream Take me any way you please Boy you`re making me scream Dream a dream, lover live is just dream If you wanna set me free Boy you`re making me scream Ooh la-da-di, la-da-da. Take me anyway you please, Boy you`re making me scream Ooh la-da-di, la-da-da. You gotta dream a little dream
Uuh, party over here. Ha, bring it up from the rear Uuh, partyo ver there. Ha, hands in the air No, we don`t stop. Ha, we rock the spot No, we don`t quit. Get ready ya`ll this is it