Tell me please, is there life out on the balcony? Do we still hear noises in the dark, striking sparks and fires Tell me dear, how many ghosts you hide in here I hear voices on the telephone, when there's no-one home Just me Life on the balcony Are you sure, no-one stands behind the bedroom door? Hands around the curtain cord, waiting for the light
I could swear, I heard someone walking down the stairs He was calling out your name, dream again, I guess Will you let me out of here, I feel so alone You treat me like a prisoner, turn my heart to stone Statues in the living room, paintings in the hall Lovers on the balcony, waiting in the cold
Life on the balcony I can see you hold others here as well as me Wrapped in chains and jealousy, set them free Now I'm sure I don't want to live here anymore Collecting dust an battle scars Taken for your fool Will you let me out of here