Like a boar he is hunted The battle guards stalk him in the fields It is peace he cannot let them take So onwards he fights That mighty battling boar
And soon you shall smell the fire Drifting through the winter sky All sensations of ire will die To become at one with the firmament and rise
Triumph and beyond Victors at war Honour is sound To our abode we are bound Exult in conquest
Triumph and beyond Victors at war Still alive And we strive For triumph and beyond
Restlessly dodging the arrows That fires from the towers up above To retain this courageous force They shant drain his life Hunted forevermore
The enchanting stream is calling to the world But its whispers disperse in the cold
Strive past the vigorous tide Flow gently and recall the reasons you ride
Long before the sun will rise Long before the night will fade Lies an ancient feeling from inside Feel winters embrace Long before the sky is clear Long before daylight draws near Lies an ancient feeling from inside For triumph and beyond