My house of shards of glass, 'Til I can find you! Nails drag across the skin, Her childhood torn from her Gone with her hymen. All these words are supposed to be, Where I can find you. Her saviour H.I.V., Provides escape from here. Still I cant see you!
Penny for a womb, Male depravity Combine parental greed, Governs her destiny.
Celebrate testes, A god would do the same, no trade in tears here child Guilt is too high.
A clean conscience, Included in the price, Mr. look your daughter, Your wife, in the eye.
At whatever cost, Pride in that chromosome, You raped a child sir, I dont care what you paid Shes a little girl You should be ashamed How could you take Her right to choose.
A house of shards of glass, 'Til I can find you! Surrender limbs in fear A child is crucified, Still I cant find you,
I cannot find you, When will you save me? I cannot find you, I cannot bleed! I cannot find you, Here Im without you, I cannot find you, I cannot die. When will you save me?