Heavy Metal Re Mounia I will say to you and then I'll drink some fuckin' beer Wednesday and Friday night the earth stops to turn The time has come our souls to burn
School, job or money trouble me all the time But no you bastards not today I will not compromise You should mind your own business You should be afraid of me
I will spit in your face and say Heavy Metal re Mounia Strong as Metal we will stay Heavy Metal re Mounia Metal above all Heavy Metal re Mounia Tigka Metal Ninja Heavy Metal re Mounia
We hang out at Greg's Drinking some whiskey, drinking some Ouzo Cola As soon as we are high our trip begins It's gonna be a crazy night
The cops want to make arrests but I'll go to Hohos Or my soul will never rest To meet my friends, to hear my favourite tunes I don't care about the rest
I will spit in your face and say Heavy Metal re Mounia Strong as Metal we will stay Heavy Metal re Mounia Metal above all Heavy Metal re Mounia Tigka Metal Ninja Heavy Metal re Mounia