And now, we proudly present songs perverse and songs of lament A couple hymns of confession, and songs that recognize our sick obsessions Sing along i'm on the ugly organ again Sing along I'm on the ugly organ so let's begin There's no use to keep a secret, everything I hide ends up in lyrics so read on. accuse me when you're done if it sounds like I did you wrong
Our father, who art in heaven, save me from this wreck I am about to drown in. Didn't I learn anything counting out my sins on rosary beads? The reverend play on an ugly organ; he spews his sweet and salty sermon on the audience.
So why do I think I'm any different? I've been making money off my indifference. We all pass the hat around, 'This is my body', this is the blood I found on our hand after I wrote this album. Play it off as stigmata for crossover fans sone red handed sleight of hand Woah oh.