Valkyries! Have chosen us to join the eternal feast Honor! Fought and died with it We didn't leave with shame
My brothers and sisters Welcome to the golden halls Each with a story to tell Forever in this place to dwell
This is Valhalla Dying wasn't that bad All together raise your horns Skal! Feast and drink, fight and lay Valkyries Enjoy this sacred mead
Friends of olde! Those that have died, the glorious death Legendary warriors! Here we meet again Be proud you have gained the right to stay
My brothers and sisters Welcome to the golden halls Each with a story to tell Forever in this place to dwell
This is Valhalla Dying wasn't that bad All together raise your horns Skal! Feast and drink, fight and lay Valkyries Enjoy this sacred mead
This is Valhalla Dying wasn't that bad All together raise your horns Skal! Feast and drink, fight and lay Valkyries Enjoy this sacred mead Feast and drink, fight and lay Valkyries Enjoy this sacred mead Feast and drink, fight and lay Valkyries Enjoy this sacred mead