The agonic voices Of spirits without destiny Emerge from darkness, Frozen winds travel through the trees With the penetrating odour of death. From dark fountains emanates A mixture of sacred water and blood Covering the black earth.
Human heads are pilled up Betwixt the trees' roots Covered with the blood of the sacrifices. Still the sinister chants can be heard, Praising the gods, Chants offering the blood and the life Of the sacrificed.
No one dares to penetrate the dark nemeton Where the leafy oaks let no light to penetrate, The dwelling of the gods honoured with blood.
No one dares to get close to the sinister stone altar Where rest the skulls of the sacrificed. No one dares to enter in the pagan forest Haunted by wolves and ravens.
Guarded by kernunnos, god of life and death, Taranis, yours is the blood of the beheaded and the burned, Esus, yours is the blood of the hanged in the great tree, Teutates, yours is the blood of the drowned...