Dark Tranquillity
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Forward Momentum

Dark Tranquillity


We're worried about echoes
And why we're being held back
Bound at the speed of light

This is the time of no regret
In a forward momentum race
We leave in our wake
What is broken, forgotten and gone

I squint my eyes
As if to make my sight
Extend a little further

This is the time of no regret
In a forward momentum race
We leave in our wake
What is broken and forgotten

The dream is nothing
Yet it drives us to the end
These words unforce our hand
Hold on, hold on

In fear of true deception
Our lives are being brought back
Brought back down

This is the time of no regret
In a forward momentum race
We leave in our wake
What is broken and forgotten

Compositor: Anders Jivarp & Mikael Stanne

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