David Cook

Going Back

David Cook

The scars are right there
Breaking the surface, coming up for air
How did we get here
How did we get here
I saw the images
Blood in the streets, pulses fading fast
Permanent damages
For broken messages

Hold on to the memories
The specks of dust floating in the atmosphere
Trying to find a way to attack
It's all just a masquerade
Dancing to the drums, the battles of our yesteryear
But we ain't еver going back
No, we ain't going back

It wasn't long ago
When wе were great and everything was right
No, I don't wanna go
Just 'cause you say so
Stuck in the undertow
Can't find a way to turn it all around
And find the afterglow
Feels like I'll never know
Hold on to the memories
The specks of dust floating in the atmosphere
Trying to find a way to attack
It's all just a masquerade
Dancing to the drums, the battles of our yesteryear
But we ain't ever going back
No, we ain't going back

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