Deep Purple
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Bleeding Obvious

Deep Purple


It started off so easy and now it's clear as mud
Your life is complicated and I'd help you if I could
Time is slipping by you now
And things are moving fast
You've got a long wait ahead my friend
If you save the best for last

It's bleeding obvious
What a thing to say
Don't mind the rest of us
Have it your own way

You raise your voice to make your point
and I'm trying to get some sleep
I said man it's all right by me
but you're getting in way too deep
I got it all the first time 'round
so turn it down, give it a rest
It's not that complicated and I know what's coming next

It's all so obvious
You shouldn't be surprised
But I find it curious
They don't have it in your size

I have forgotten where we started
'Cause somewhere along the line
The salient point departed
And parked itself in a back street
In a lonely part of town
It was lost in the fog of time
You started so well
Then went off on a trip around the world
Everywhere under the sun
If you ever return
We'll see if you learned
That it all adds up to one

I know you think I'm stupid but you got to give me time
I'm sitting with my hand up
but you send me to the back of the line
I hear you but it's all too much
for the likes of little old me
You say this and that and who knows what
it's so hard to believe

It's bleeding obvious
If what you're trying to say's
The same as all the rest of us
In quite another way

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