Almost daylight, as the watch carries on he sees plans being laid Always knowing, with the time coming near the ones who will be saved
Hear their laughter, as they gather around and watch a fool being stoned Hear their whispers as he raises his eyes and warns of what he has told
And he calls to the world of the coming In the end there'll be nothing left Let me touch your soul I'll take you away
Shout it out He calls to the world of the day of the coming Shout it out In the end you'll see his tears Shout it out He calls to the world of the day of the coming Shout it out There'll be nothing left but fear
And they're moving, to his chants as if he has touched powers above His voice soothing, the mistrust in the eyes of those which he has come
Oh - almost daylight, as he gathers them all and cries for what he must see In the darkened skies, he feels death descending with cold greed