Utopian visions of a dream world quickly fade into dust you finally seize the golden prize and see it's really rust obstacles are overcome but followed by another test finally settling in the sun still get wracked by stress happiness brings on psychic pain for the darkness surely follows the sun inevitably sets for each rise on the morrow
your reality of existence you can't escape an absurd meaninglesness yet you think you reason your inner world can't explain why with it you're blessed got no way to say who's right or wrong takes thirtysomething states to ratify constitution hitler pursued his destiny with approval of public opinion cut away fron God it is the human condition
no happy endings for the rich see them languish and die alone the poor die their absurd deaths drugs or aids or starvation conformed to the choice conformed to the fall sweet breath of Revelation taken as a tale too tall saving bitterest tears for when the Truth hits their eyes will God also cry knowing they won't be dried?