
Letras de Músicas



    genoveva - Fotos

    Cristina Genoveva Almonte Rodriguez was born in Pimentel, province Duarte, the Dominican Republic on August 24th, 1977, she is a Bachata performer, from a very young age she had a strong inclination towards music, and at the age of 8 she belonged to the singing choir of his school, thus developing a greater attitude towards art and music.


    In January 2001 he met Luis Terror Dias who was her singing and guitar teacher, in the same year traveled to Japan with Crispin Fernandez, Jose Duluc, and Luis Dias to an important event called ''Isla Salsa'' where she gave dance workshops Caribbean classes to people promoting Dominican culture.

    In May 2002, she participated as a dancer in the "candidate's concert" at the Renaissance Santo Domingo Jaragua Hotel & Casino with Luis Dias.

    In 2006 participated in the Cultural Festival of the Group of African, Caribbean, and Pacific Countries (Acp), which was in the Tribute to Luis Dias "The Terror Live" where he was named as a cultural value by ''the Ministry of Culture''.

    In February 2008, she married Luis Dias, who died on December 8th, 2009, and as a result of his death, she decided to pay homage to his best-known works, one of it is the song ''Yo Quiero Andar'', which she takes from the marginality to bachata rhythm in the 80's originally played by Sonia Silvestre, mixing with reggaeton, this is with the arrangement of Moises Sanchez, Ernesto Anderson Paredes and Cristina Almonte.

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