Geordie Greep

Holy, Holy

Geordie Greep

I could tell you were lonely
From the moment you walked in
From the way you had your makeup on
From the way you'd done your hair

From the way you sat down next to me
From the way you ordered your drink
From the moment you put your hand on my knee
I knew I'd have you with ease

Do you come here often?
Do you know how this thing works?
Do you go to bed with a different man every night?
Don't tell me I'm the first

You must have heard about me Everyone knows my name
Everyone knows I'm holy

All the revolutionaries
All the Jihadis too
‘Round the world i'm holy

Do you know my name?
Of course you know my name
Everyone does, it's true
It's true, it's true, it's true that I'm known around here

The barmaids know my name
I've had them all before
You are new - I'll have you too
It's time to give in

From the shores of Havana
To Moscow and Tokyo
In French Guyanese
In Cantonese
Everyone knows my name

All the revolutionaries
All the Jihadis too
Everyone knows I'm holy

How ‘bout we dance some salsa?
I'll spin you round and round
On the dance floor I'm holy

How ‘bout we take this further?
I'll meet you in the bathroom
I'll bet your pussy is holy too


I'll arrive at around 7pm
And I want you to get there no later than 10
I want you to be dressed like a sophisticated tart
With too much makeup on, will that be alright?

And I want you to sit down next to me, as if by chance
I want it to seem like we've never met before
How much will that cost?
I want you to look unsure of yourself

And I want you to look at me as if I'm attractive
I want your eyes to say take me
And I want your lips to be unimpressed
And I want you to ask the waiter
If I really am who I say I am
And I want you to blush
I want you to shoot a smug look at the other girls
To make them jealous I chose you

When I tell you your pussy is holy
I want you to slap me and then kiss me

Make sure everyone's watching - kiss me and then walk away
Walk to the bathroom, I'll follow after
Don't worry we won't do anything
We'll just loiter there fifteen minutes or so
Then I choose you new lipstick and we walk back out

And I want you to tell me I'm a perfect dancer
And I want you to tell me I smell great
And I want you to make me look taller
Could you kneel down the whole time?
How much would that cost?

I want you to put your hand on my knee
Will that be alright?
I want you to look at me as if you're lost
How much will that cost?

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