Once more this night has come for us to awake The ground spreads the pest of death, blackened by hell fire The roads so old where satanas walked towards death realms Now darkness is eternal and only lighten by fire The eyes that eternally rot and gaze us from sodom graves
Head stones, blood stained In depraved lustful rites On altars thousand screams Necromancers yearn for death! Ruthless death laughs at her slaves
Death reigns! Flames... death... the pest...
Huttan race rotting at hell These graves won`t bear such lustful anger and hate!
Hear!! mankind! I is now your time to die!
Die! Die! Die!
No more holiness at the kingdom of god! No more beauty but pestilence and rotteness! Ages of death embrace this land!
Opened at last! Sodom graves...!
Angels get fucked... by evil! There`s no peace on earth anymore As heaven burns at the deepest darkness of hell! Satan has set his throne on earth!! Death`s eternal domain is here!! And will only remain... sodom graves...!!!