Goldie Boutilier

Next To You

Goldie Boutilier

My Name Is Kay

You gon' make me lose my mind
You gon' make me lose my cool
Tornado tearin' up this heart
Every time I'm next to you
Broken bottles, broken pieces
I am lying on the floor
You can take them where you need them
Just tell me what you're looking for

I've heard it all before
You're the one who's opened my eyes
I can't deny that the stars will shine
like a summer night in July
When I'm next to you

You gon' make me lose my mind
You gon' make me lose my cool
Tornado tearin' up this heart
Every time I'm next to you

I've heard it all before
You're the one who's opened my eyes
I can't deny that the stars will shine
like a summer night in July
When I'm next to you

Turn it up
Oh, yeah

When I'm next you

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