Greg Kihn
PĂĄgina inicial > Power Pop > G > Greg Kihn > Anna Belle Lee

Anna Belle Lee

Greg Kihn

Sometimes, you talk too much
You hurry too much
You worry too much about me
‘Cause life's a little bit rough
A little bit tough
And a little bit hard to see
Now, I know our love is fragile
‘Cause it broke so easily

Anna Belle Lee
Anna Belle Lee
Beautiful Anna Belle Lee
Anna Belle Lee

I guess I never know your secrets
Although I hardly even tried
To get past your defenses
Each time I was denied
You know we couldn't live together
And we can't live side-by-side

Anna Belle Lee
Anna Belle Lee
Beautiful Anna Belle Lee
Anna Belle Lee

Oh, I loved you for your beauty
But you wanted to be free

Anna Belle Lee
Anna Belle Lee
Beautiful Anna Belle Lee
Anna Belle Lee
Beautiful Anna Belle Lee
Anna Belle Lee
Beautiful Anna Belle Lee
Anna Belle Lee

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