Página inicial > Pop > H > Halsey > Darwinism



The Great Impersonator


There's lots of fish out in the pond
In the oceans and the rivers and in all the waterfalls
But if I'm made for land and not the sea at all
Could I crawl and find some kind neanderthal?
What if I'm from outer space
And I have fire in my bones and in my veins
I let it show and scare my suitors far away
Leave them traumatized with visions
of its glow behind my face
They say that God makes no mistakes
But I might disagree
And I outstretch my empty hand
I watch them build society
Domesticated land
It goes according to the plan
While they're in paradise, I'm exiled in the sand
If everyone has someone, then the math just isn't right
And I'm the only outlier, the lonely archetype
If everything is by design, well I might disagree

You'll know something that I don't
You all learned something that I fear I'll never know
You all grew body parts I fear I'll never know
You all know something that I don't
You all know something that I don't
You all know something that I don't

What if I'm just cosmic dust?
Put me in a metal box that's bound to rust
Shoot me into space and leave me to combust
Return to earth and just dissolve into its crust
And I was born all by myself
It's not unlikely that I'll die that way as well

Compositores: Ashley Frangipane, Stuart Price

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