Hey Violet


Hey Violet


One, two, three

Crushed a fortune cookie in my hand
Said that I could have another chance
But oh my god
I'm questioning if I went wrong
Tend to second-guess myself a lot
Like do I really even give a fuck?
But oh my god
I'm questioning where I belong

'Cause now everything's hazy
Stuck in between
Singing that melody
From when I was eighteen
And sometimes I'm crazy
Sometimes I'm weak
And the girl who made it
Will it ever be
Will it ever be
Will that ever be me?

I don't wanna be so insecure
I don't know if I'm meant for something more
But I will try
I'll try it all over and over and over again
Keep breaking my own heart
And lying to the mirror
I don't know where to start
But I want to see it clearer

'Cause now everything's hazy
Stuck in between
Singing that melody (Melody)
From when I was eighteen
Sometimes I'm crazy (Sometimes I'm crazy)
Sometimes I'm weak (Oh)
And the girl who made it
Will it ever be
Will it ever be
Will that ever be me?

Now everything's hazy
Stuck in between
Singing that melody
From when I was eighteen
And I can be crazy
I'd rather be free
And the girl who made it
Will it ever be
Will it ever be
Will she ever be me?

That was it

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