Página inicial > H > Hibria > I Feel no Bliss

I Feel no Bliss


Blind Ride

I dream about how my days of bliss
Surrounded me freely now it's a time of fear
All Days and nights run so much faster
All the tears are closer to an end
A new season

I feel no bliss
I've dreamt about my death
No more whispers - Don't you tell me what to do

I look around and something is missing
My fear makes me blind just voices I hear
Blaming thoughts speak so louder
All the pain is closer to an end
A new season

One last time - I will dream about your love
Lonely - I will close my eyes for so long
One last time - I will dream a shining life
Free - I will fly away

All days and nights run so much faster
Blaming thoughts speak so louder

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