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Sea of Revenge


The Skull Collectors

Shiny night at 1 o'clock
Black mud over my feet
A rotten smell is all around
A swamp taste on my tongue's tip
Many times I've watched you
Playing beyond the edge
But I'm the one who fell down hurt

Here I am to watch you once again
But my feelings tell me
This time we'll come to an end

Screaming loud, a desperate cry
Can you feel my pain inside you?
Drowning in my sea of revenge

Walking on the devil's ground
I'm staring at you drown
Shall his hand extend to min?
Or pride will take his life?
Anger fear, pride and rage
Tornado in our hearts
Will our mercy save our lives?

Overwhelmed and locked in cages
Looking at the bright of stars
We see how small we are
Freedom has led our lives
But look close how it has ended
To bunker our lives
You and I
Were caught fading out ourselves
Make us room
Is there no place for both of us?
Here and now?
Only one deserves
Only one deserves all space?

Can't you believe it, there is no room!
We cannot isolate your thoughts
We cannot isolate your thoughts

Natural born hate makes me survive
Burning all my heart and soul
All you have done to my life
Will make me demand so much time to forgive you
For so many lives we will hate
So expedite try goodbye... to this one

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