Página inicial > H > Hibria > The Shelter's On Fire

The Shelter's On Fire


Blind Ride

They don't give a shit
If we're alive or dead
Cover our bodies they won't
One last breath
One last prayer to Death
In vain souls scream aloud for no one

Because we are not prepared for it
The beast is hungry
And it's waiting for our souls, my friends

That's the end of the line - Today
No escape we can find - No way
That's the end of our lives
No escape we can find
Drawing near
Damn - the shelter's on fire

They've never felt this way
Don't you tell me that
Over and over again
Our last breath
Our last prayer to Death
In vain we'll scream aloud for no one

Oh, no
We are all so unprepared to face it
Since we were born we experience what fear's all about
We are dying - Why is it so tough to keep my eyes open?
We all should learn life can be short and unfair
We only have one shot
All of us we'll find it, there's no way back

We're so unprepared to face it
Since we're born we experience that
We're so unprepared to face it
My last prayer to Death
There's no way back

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