Hiss Golden Messenger


Hiss Golden Messenger

Cutting stone ain't easy, but it's how I earn my way
Some want doves and marigolds, give me a stone that says
"Don't cry, it's only a joke, "
does that feel true enough for you?
Make me a headlight of your love

I was fire, said I couldn't live without water
You were water, water to put out the fire
I'm just a nail in the house of the universe
Drinking NuGrape with a five dollar bill

They built a temple on a hill by the name of "The Rising"
With Babylon at every nail, you've got to do a little dying
Whеn the old ones fell, oh my God
and thеy painted out their scripture
Please don't cry, it's only a joke

I was fire, said I couldn't live without water
You were water, water to put out the fire
I'm just a nail in the house of the universe
Drinking NuGrape with a five dollar bill

I was fire, said I couldn't live without water
You were water, water to put out the fire
I'm just a nail in the house of the universe
Drinking NuGrape with a five dollar bill, woo

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