Some friendships end out of hate And hasty words spoken in anger. A rush of blood to the head The swords are drawn in heated battle. But when the feuding has passed It leaves no-one unscathed, Only wounded.
Some friendships end from neglect, A thoughtless mind's preoccupation. They cannot hope to survive Amid busy lives of self-obsession. And so must wither and die. That's how some friendships end But not this one. No, not this one.
Knowing you the way I do I truly believed that somehow we'd pull through Hadn't we both seen it all? We faced the world, together we stood tall Together we stood tall, You and I stood tall.
Some friendships end in regret A trust betrayed, too freely given. That is the worst way they end. But then some friendships end Over nothing. Over nothing.
Though it's true not all friendships last I always thought that ours was different. You brought the best out in me. How did our friendship end? How did it ever end Over nothing? Over nothing?