In your righteousness, lord, hear my prayer! Listen to my plea, in your faithfulness! I come to you almighty, through your goodness' care Rescue me, lord, from this hopelessness! I do remember all those days gone by I think about all the things you've done! Like dry ground, my soul is thirsty for you I lift up my hands to you and I pray!
Answer me now, o lord! I've lost all hope Don't hide yourself from me, or I will die! Remind me always of your love each morning For I have put my trust in you alone! Oh, my lord! Let all my prayers go up to you Show me the way that I should go! You are my God; teach me your will Be kind to me! Oh
Because of your love, kill my enemy Fighting into my mind opposing your will! Put a new and loyal living spirit in me Break all my heart and make it clear Give me again the joy that salvation brings I will proclaim your righteousness Oh God, be kind and help me lord Rebuild the walls of my whole life!