Jack White
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Bless Yourself

Jack White

No Name

When I walk into this structure
I do myself a favor
And I blessed myself, yes

Everyone must bow down
And every time confess
And I don't care how you found out
This is only a test so test us, yeah
I see the way that you're looking down
Truth is, life doesn't frumple around
Quick check, respect, nobody, no harm
So your dress and convince yourself

Yeah, now listen
People say I need

God on command, God on demand
If God's too busy then I'll bless myself
All these people saying: Call your own shots
They're not robots, they want no roadblocks
They are a team unto themselves
They say: I don't answer to anybody but myself

Who suffers now? Who do you blame now?
You're gonna cut to them
If you're a cop then arrest yourself
If you're trying to provoke yourself then
You're gonna need to invoke yourself then
A prayer spoken from the newly awoken says
Must we all to suffer

You'll say this, you'll- you'll sing this

Where did all the time go?
Where did all the love go?
I hold on to my ego
But now? I just want to drown myself
They say trust no one, not even yourself
So now I can't even trust myself?

We always hurt the ones we love
But now we also have to love ourselves
Are you feeling blessed?
Are you feeling blessed?
Then bless yourself

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