Come listen, and I'll tell a tale Of hardy canyoneers That breed of men, the river rats Who live without the fears Of common, ordinary men Whose worries sure are small Compared to those who flirt with death Within that high, grey wall
What's in a man to make him thirst For the kind of life he knows is cursed? He'll die a lonely river rat Foolhardy canyoneer
Do you ever wonder what you'd do when all the chips were down? If you doubt you'd do what a man would do when danger comes around? Then take the test to provе the case to see if courage calls As waves leap thirty feet or more on the trip through Lava Falls
What's in a man to make him thirst For the kind of life he knows is cursed? He'll die a lonely river rat Foolhardy canyoneer
At night, at rest on a rocky beach, he hears a hairy sigh Of the lonely phantom of the gorge whose mournful voices cry “Although we ran the rapids wild, and with our lives did pay We welcome you, you Canyoneers, who come this dismal way. ”
What's in a man to make him thirst For the kind of life he knows is cursed? He'll die a lonely river rat Foolhardy canyoneer