Oh my soul, sing my soul You've been rescued by the king Oh my soul, sing my soul He scattered your enemies
Like wind to leaves Like wind to leaves Scattered like the wind to leaves
Oh my soul, be not afraid Of the terror by night Or of those who wish you harm
His right hand will hold you tight His eye is upon you And he has the strongest arms The very strongest arms
Oh my soul, hope in peace Fear the lord, you saints and children The lord is near, our lord is near And his justice is with him
And healing's in his wings And healing's in his wings Healing is in his, yeah, his wings Yeah, healing is in his wings
Yeah, yeah, yeah Ah-ah-ah-ah
We praise your name, lord We praise your name till the day we die, day we die We praise your name, lord We praise your name when we're lifted up, up on high
We praise your name, lord We praise your name till the day we die, the day we die We praise your name, lord, oh We praise your name when we're lifted up, up on high, oh, oh