Kate Bollinger
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Lady in the Darkest Hour

Kate Bollinger

It is alright
It all gets better with time
I lost my friend, now I'm losing all the light
But then again it'll come back if it's right

Lady in the darkest hour
Smile all sweet like it isn't sour
I'd go back to last December
To feel those things I can't remember

Wait for it, there's an end in sight
Soon comes the day when the tunnel fills with light
Things couldn't stay, but change has a certain bite
Then the outside peels away, revealing it was right

Do you trust that time will be your friend?
Do you trust that there will be good
things to meet you in the еnd, end?
'Cause what I'd like to know, is this it?

Lady in thе darkest hour
Smile all sweet like it isn't sour
I'd go back to last December
To feel those things I can't remember
Lady in the darkest hour
Smile all sweet like it isn't sour
Nothing's wrong 'til you say it hurts you
Let it go 'til it's passed right through you

Compositores: Catherine Bollinger, John Flynn Trainum

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