Grissom, White and Chaffee were the first to pay the price But others now have felt the fatal falling of the dice And seven more have lost their lives that we might win the skies But nothing makes it easier when someone out there dies
It's minus ten and counting but many more may die As careful as we ever are it costs us lives to try But all who take the risk of space say, "If we die then take our place And please when we are gone, carry on, carry on, carry on, carry on."
And if we add the cosmonauts the count is now fourteen Who paid their lives for men to go where man has never been And each one knew the dangers and yet bravely still they tried And begged us all to keep on flying even if they died
We're minus ten who sought the stars but out across the lands You'll see a million volunteers are raising up their hands And all of them are well-prepared to pay that final cost They know that space and all the stars are worth the lives we've lost