Kerry King


Kerry King

From Hell I Rise

Your deranged, insane, tirade will incite
Flash flood of blood feeds the parasite
Words sting, hate clings just like residue
I know tenfold it comes back to you

I'm in mental retrograde
So now it's my crusade

Your blood horde screams war unrest reignites
Pulsates, gestates raise the Fahrenheit
Blood-stained campaign sticks like residue
I know tenfold it comes back to you

I'm in mental retrograde
So now it's my crusade

Rise from the chaos
Time to strike
Calculated, perpetrated
I need intensity to spike
Dominating, liberating
Cause this is anarchy

I relied on this outdated system
I defied, I won't become a victim
I can't find where liberty goes to die

You dethroned, disowned, outcast derelict
Cold sweat, false threats, nothing comes of it
Idolized, your lies stick like residue
I know tenfold it comes fuckin back to you

I'm in mental retrograde
So now it's my crusade

Rise from the chaos
Time to strike
Calculated, perpetrated
I need intensity to spike
Dominating, liberating
Cause this is anarchy

I can't find where liberty goes to die
I can't find where our liberty goes to die

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