Página inicial > Heavy Metal > K > Kittie > We Are Shadows

We Are Shadows



Desperation paints these crimson skies
As the last breath of hope within us dies

We are the pulse of the eclipse now in focus
And at the edge of oblivion, the shadow grows

As day turns to night
The mother of tears
We're shadows
At the end of it all
(We are shadows)
Lost in the dark
The sum of our fears
We're shadows
At the end of the world
We are shadows

Fading echoes as dusk enshrouds the night
No forgiveness, voices in futile cries

We are the catalyst, the first step to silence
And at the edge of tomorrow, the shadow grows

As day turns to night
The mother of tears
We're shadows
At the end of it all
(We are shadows)
Lost in the dark
The sum of our fears
We're shadows
At the end of the world
We are shadows

We're witness
To the bitter end
We're edging to
The bitter end
No salvation
No respite
No forgiveness
Shadows in the night

As day turns to night
The mother of tears
We're shadows
At the end of it all
(We are shadows)
Lost in the dark
The sum of our fears
We're shadows
At the end of the world
We are shadows

Compositores: Morgan Lander, Mercedes Lander, Tara McLeod & Ivy Jenkins

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