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Fine Art



Éist liom, ná tar chugam le do chuid smaointí
Ná déan anailís ar mo chuid líntí
My child loves HOOD
so I wish you could do a version for him but PG
Send me it when you can, he's your number one fan
His first words were Cultúrlann
so he understands all of 3CAG and
He's only started Naíscoil an mhí seo
he just thinks you guys are lethal
I know he's a wee bit young
try to keep it from him, déanaimse mo dhícheall
Comhghairdeas, you're my new ghost writer
40 odd, breath smells like cider
Trying to talk business to me with jizz on your teeth
back of the glider!

KNEECAP, is breá liom sibh
nach bhfuil aon seans go dtiocfadh libh
Stick a wee tune out just for the kids
cos my two ones they love you to bits
Oh fuck sake, wise up, miss
we're degenerate HOODs who like to get pissed
And we spunk every penny getting off of our tits
this isn't no act, it's just the way it is
Real shit

You'll find me in a snug of a dimly lit shit run down pub
Face all smug in a place I love
seeing how fucked I can get on government funds
That's another pint done, ordaigh deoch
sula labhrann cunt liom
And up walks some random
standing over me rapping one of my songs

Maith an fear, seo here, is breá liom do cheol
nach dtiocfadh leat díriú isteach ar an ól
An chaint seo ar fad ar na drugaí are bad
is tá mé a rá leat ní mharfaidh tú I bhfad
Aw here go raibh maith agat do do chomhairle críonna
Cá raibh tusa nuair a thosaigh muid na blianta ó shin
No, fuck, get a right to the chin
and now you're crying on Twitter and that's a win-win
On the Nolan Show today
a mural of a burning police car
and chants of 'get the brits out'
This is- Ireland 2022
Rappers Kneecap say the mural
was unveiled as just a piece of Fine Art
Fine Art
Fine- Fine Art

C-E-A-R-T-A, you say it needs more Tiocfaidh ár Lá's
Ag dul ar aghaidh faoi go bhfuil easpa collabs ag Kneecap
fuckin cuirigí ceol amach!
So you're wondering why we take ages
to release music? We're always on stages
All over in different places
rockin' balaclavas on our faces

You can love us or hate us, won't affect a bit of our wages
More merch, more drugs, less cops
more thugs, more scum, listen out on cases
You can love us or hate us, won't affect a bit of our wages
More merch, more drugs, less cops
more thugs, more scum, more
Fine Art
Fine Art
Fine- Fine Art


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