Lee Ly
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Pleasure of My Dreams

Lee Ly

Day and night I want you near
In my dreams you always appear
Taste of lips I can't resist
Heart beats strong in this bliss

Every moment feels so real
In your love I start to heal
Holding on to what I find
You and me our hearts entwined

Dreaming of you hold me tight
Never leave in the night
Desire burns it feels so right
Dreaming of you day and night

Your touch lingers in the air
In my mind you're always there
Whispered words that softly sing
Melodies of love we bring

Eyes are closed but I still see
All the love you give to me
Heartbeat echoes like a drum
Night and day here you come
Dreaming of you hold me tight

Never leave in the night
Desire burns it feels so right
Dreaming of you day and night

Compositor: Nando Moul

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